Q and A


Can you transmit HIV when your viral load is detectable?

I’m HIV positive and have been only on treatment for a week. I had unprotected sex, Is it possible for the guy to have HIV?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Even if your viral load is low when you start meds, it usually takes longer than a week to become undetectable. With integrase inhibitors, this might take a few weeks and with other combinations a few months.

Also, if you start with a very high viral load (above 100,000 c/mL) it might take longer still.

The risk of catching HIV is generally low from a single time. However, this will depend on what the sex involved and how high your viral load is.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Simphiwe,
    Babies born to HIV positive mothers will always test HIV positive using an HIV antibody test. This is normal and does not mean your baby has HIV. Your baby shares your immune responses that the antibody test looks for. It sometimes takes up to 18 months for these responses to gradually disappear.

    With your vital load at 28 copies/mL it is undetectable. But still, it is recommended that if HIV positive mothers breastfeed they breastfeed exclusively for 6 months and then wean baby onto soft food. It’s not recommended to mix breastfeeding and formula.

    Please see this link for more information on knowing when your baby is HIV negative.

  2. Simphiwe

    My viral load is 28ml and I’m breastfeeding, also my newborn tested hiv+. Will it stay that way or there can be changes


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