Q and A


Do ARVs cause fertility problems?

I’m having problems with conceiving, is it because I’m on medication?


Thanks for getting in touch.

ARVs aren’t known to cause fertility problems in women.

If you’ve been trying for a while, please talk to your doctor who can help.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Unknown,

    Please see the following link: http://i-base.info/qa/678

  2. unknown

    i notices sperm became too liquidy since he has started taking the medication , what can be the problem

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pretty black,

    Depending on where someone lives, it can feel like the support that a person gets can be limited, and that some health care professionals don’t really get HIV. If this is something that you’re experiencing you may need to change health facility. Or simply challenge your doctor.

    Having abnormal periods has nothing to do with your status or any treatment you may be on.

  4. Pretty black

    I had HIV with a tcell count less than 200 and became pregnant twice.. Every since I’ve been on treatments my periods are abnormal… The doctors don’t know shit about HIV other than it causes death, and they don’t know shit about treatments other than it lowers the viral load.. I’ve had more health problems on treatment than I’ve ever had not being on treatment… Figure that out!.. .. Sincerely pretty black

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Pretty black,

    As Lisa says here, ARVs are not known to cause fertility problems.

    So please let us know what negative ways your HIV treatment (ART) can be affecting you. Are you able to talk to your doctor about this?

    Do you have access to your CD4 count and your viral load. And what HIV meds are you taking?

  6. Pretty black

    HIV treatments affect everything in a negative way except your viral load and tcell count…

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Precious J,
    ARVs aren’t known to cause fertility problems in men. So it’s great that you and your husband are trying for a baby. But have you talked to the clinic about it? This might include talking about the best time during your cycle for getting pregnant. And also about testing to see whether anything else can help.

  8. Precious J

    Hi my husband age 48 have been on arvs for 16 years now we have been trying for a baby almost 2 years now nothing happenin, could this be caused by treatment or something else? Please advice

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Promise, it is great you are on meds now and want to have a baby. The HIV meds will not be affected whether you become pregnant though. Please talk to your doctor about your plans who can talk about other things that can help. This might include talking about the best time during your cycle for getting pregnant, but also testing to see whether anything else can help. Sometimes fertility treatment night be available, if appropriate.

  10. promise

    my name is promise and I have been HIV for 6 years. my problem is that i have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years now and I am
    on HIV medication. what can i do?


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