Q and A


Do ARVs cause fertility problems?

I’m having problems with conceiving, is it because I’m on medication?


Thanks for getting in touch.

ARVs aren’t known to cause fertility problems in women.

If you’ve been trying for a while, please talk to your doctor who can help.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jain, it is great that his viral load is undetected. This means that there is no risk of transmission to you or baby. HIV treatment does not effect fertility. Your partners HIV status will not reduce your chances of becoming pregnant.

  2. Jain

    I have been trying to make a baby with my partner whos on hiv treatment and I’m not on treatment his viral load is undetected.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thando, congratulations on being pregnant. It is completely safe to take your pills while pregnant. This will also keep you healthy throughout your pregnancy. It is also the best way to prevent transmission of HIV to baby.

  4. Thando

    I just found out im pregnant while taking arvs. Im taking the pill that we use in the morning

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nandi, ARVs do not effect your fertility. As ARVs suppress viral load and keep you healthy, ARVs are only improving your fertility. Have you mentioned to a doctor about trying for a baby?

  6. Nandi

    I’ve been in ARVs for 6years , I’ve been trying to conceive, does the ARVs have a impact of not having kid’s

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jade, TLD does not impact your fertility. Being on TLD will only help to improve fertility as it keeps you healthy. Have you spoken with a doctor about your concerns?

  8. Jade

    I have been taking dolutegriver(TLD) since late 2020. Viral load is undetectable. I am struggling to fall pregnant. I have been on fertility pills for three months. Can i change my ARVs?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Amanda, is there a reason your partner is not on ARVs? HIV without treatment significantly reduces how well sperm will work. This will impact you becoming pregnant.

    Does your partner ever take treatment? as you are on treatment this will act as PrEP and prevent reinfection as long as he does not occasionally take his medication. This is explained more here: https://i-base.info/qa/19897

  10. Amanda

    Hi I have been trying to have a child wth my partner but he is not on ARV’s treatment


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