Q and A


Do ARVs cause fertility problems?

I’m having problems with conceiving, is it because I’m on medication?


Thanks for getting in touch.

ARVs aren’t known to cause fertility problems in women.

If you’ve been trying for a while, please talk to your doctor who can help.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pinky, do you know the name of this ARV? ARVs are safe and do not cause fertility problems. Did you discuss any other options about fertility while at the clinic?

  2. Pinky

    Hi I’m now on white ARV’s and was told at the clinic that I won’t conceive when taking the, is it true?
    Been desperately trying with no luck I even downloaded a Flo app to check my fertility

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nozipho,

    What’s the name of the ARV that you’re taking?

  4. Nozipho

    I am using the nwe pill for hiv , but i want e baby, what must I do?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi S, please talk to your doctor about your plans to have a baby.

    You don’t need a special pill or medicine – other than your ARVs. But becoming pregnant involves knowing which few days in the month you are most likely to conceive. Your doctor can explain your ovulation cycle and how to know the best times.

    If you still have problems then a fertility clinic can help. This can check the fertility of both partners and can provide treatment if needed.

    This NHS page gives information about the UK:

    Service might be different in other countries.

    In the UK, and hopefully everywhere, HIV positive people should have the same access to fertility treatment as everyone else.

  6. S

    Can I ask if you are taking ARVs can u be able to conceive or u jus need to get any tablet to conceive coz we are trying with my partner but not lucky yet,

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Nyanduwa, thanks, this is easy to do, especially as you are already on treatment. Please see this detailed Q for more info:

  8. Nyanduwa

    I’m a man aged 41 on treatment for HIV and I’m trying to get a child that is not affected by HIV.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ntandokazi,

    What your doctor has told you isn’t true- ARVs don’t impact a woman’s fertility.

  10. Ntandokazi

    Hii i am using the new hiv pill the doctors said if you’re using it you won’t get pregnant is it true?


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