Q and A


How can I increase my CD4 count?

Hi i was diagnosed HIV positive in June 2017 when my CD4 count was 18.

I live abroad and had TB and pneumonia one after the other and was in hospital. I started antivirals about a week later after my CD4 result came back.

By October 2017, my viral load is 26 and my CD4 count is 288.

My Thai doctor said to take my tablet at the same time everyday this. I have don’t this and drink coconut milk and eat pumpkin this I have done 3 times a week since being diagnosed.

I still have a runny nose and my chest cough and I’d like to know if there are other things I can do to increase my CD4 and reduce my viral load?



Thanks for getting in touch.

From your results its clear that you’re doing very well. An increase  in CD4 from 18 to 288 in a matter of months is amazing. In time this will rise even more.

Your viral load is undetectable, so as long as you keep taking you HIV meds, you don’t need to take additional medicine.

The cough and runny nose are not likely to be related to HIV. This might just be coincidence that you have a cold for example.

It is good to look after other things in your life – i.e. reducing stress and having goals to be happy. Eating a balance diet is good, and keeping mentally and physically active is also good for the long term – plus not smoking.

The HIV meds are all you needs for your CD4 count and viral load.


  1. Vrs

    Today July 13, 2018 My cd 4 count is 82 and my viral load is 110, what does this mean? My doc said 82 is stable but no instructions on what to do.
    I’m on meds, Last month June 2018 my CD 4 was 101 and my Viral load was 63,000.
    How do I increase my CD 4 NUMBER?????

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Alexander,

    Do you know your latest viral load result? Starting ARVs means many people become undetectable within a month and most within three months. But this can depend on how high viral load was when starting ART.

    In contrast to viral load, CD4 usually increases more slowly and steadily. The biggest rise occurs during the first 6–12 months and this continues over the second year. Reaching a CD4 count above 500 is referred to as normal, but even if it doesn’t reach this high, the risk of HIV-related complications is dramatically reduced.

    It sounds good that you’re taking antibiotics and TB treatment while your CD4 count has the chance to recover. Here’s more info on this from ART in Pictures.

  3. Alexander

    Yes im taking ARV medicine for 3 months and im also taking antibiotics like cotrimoxazole and im also taking TB meds…

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Alexander,
    A CD4 count of 7 is low. This can mean you’re at risk of other infections. Have you started ARVs yet? Even when starting at this CD4 count ARVs can reduce viral load very quickly. This means that your CD4 count can start to recover. But it’s important you ask the doctor for tests for other infections and treatment, such as antibiotics, for them. You can also ask for tests for TB too. There’s a similar question answered here. So if you haven’t started HIV treatment yet it’s important that you start soon.

  5. Alexander

    Hi im also hiv positive and my cd4 is 7 and the viral load of 66,000 the ARV meds is it still work for me even my cd4 count is very low?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jacob,

    Though a CD4 of 198 may seem low, it isn’t. People are diagnosed with CD4’s in single figures and they are still OK. Are you on medication? If you are when did you start it?

  7. Jacob

    Today, I got my CD 4 result, and it is only 198 cells/ul. I was amazed because even today I can eat alot of food, I play football for about 1 hour almost everyday, hardly got sick and even if I got sick I am recovered quickly. I’m 5’6″ high and my weight is 140 lb. I thought I’m all OK. But my CD 4 shows I’m in dangerous situation.

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Jacob,
    There are some injected ARVs that are in development but they are still in trial. But you can talk to the doctor about switching to smaller meds if that makes them easier to swallow.
    Telling someone you love you are HIV positive can be difficult for many people. But you can take time and perhaps talk generally about HIV to see how she feels first. The good news is that if you are on meds and are undetectable the risk to your lover is close to zero. Please see U=U, “A person living with HIV who has undetectable viral load does not transmit HIV to their partners”.

  9. jacob

    I have difficulties in taking the pills is there any other way like injections for medication?

    I also have a lover whom I really love but I’ve told her my status yet couse I fear she might dump me. What can I do?

  10. Thomas

    Wow am really tounched and have now known on how i can increase my cd4 count


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