Q and A


What if I miss a dose or take a double dose by mistake?

Hi, if i forget to take my pill on time, or maybe take it twice a day, without remembering i took it, then maybe overdose by mistake. Can it cause any harm to my health?


Missing an occasional pill is okay

Taking a double dose of HIV medication is usually okay  – but it is not a good idea. The main risk is that you might get side effects for a few hours due to the short time when you have higher drug levels.

Additional doses of other types of medication might require speaking to a doctor or pharmacist about the short term side effects.

It is better to get a pill box. Then you can see each day whether or not you have taken your meds. These are cheap and work really well.


Answer revised 16/02/22


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Shirley, this website is about HIV drugs. Please see the original answer to this post:

  2. Shirley

    I accidently took a double dose of Metroprolo lSuccinate ER

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Edy, please do not worry. Most HIV meds have been used at higher doses in different studies without this causing a problem. Sometimes is is difficult to remember whether or not you just took your meds. I use a weekly pill box as this is the only way I know whether I have taken or missed a dose.

  4. Edy

    I just accidentally took a double dose of Biktarvy and now I’m scared I’m gonna die… do I have to worry?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Baroniece. this is an HIV website. Based on a quick Google search, neither of these are HIV drugs so it is better to ask a pharmacist. However, one extra pill of anything is not a problem.

  6. Baroniece

    Hi I accidentally took 1 ACC200 and 1 Mucatak 200 at the same time.
    What do I do?

  7. Steve

    Hello hope everyone is feeling well and staying safe. I just started a new medication called isentress yesterday.. today I think took a double dose in the morning while I was getting ready for work. What should I do.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Steve,

    You’ll be fine, just continue that you normally would.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Barbara, this website is only about HIV treatment. However, so long as you only did this once it will not cause you any harm.

  10. Barbara

    Hi I may have accidentally taken two terbibafine tablets . I didn’t think I had taken it so I took one then but I then thought maybe I had already taken it. I feel ok


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