Q and A


Will my baby be okay now I stopped giving him water?

My baby is 3 weeks 6 days, he is formula feeding and i just recently found out that i should not be giving him water when he is on nevirapine and i have stopped. What negative effects does this have on my son?



You are right that your baby doesn’t need water or any other foods – just the formula milk.

Now you have change to this it will be better.

Your son is likely to be fine now, but it is also good for your doctor and nurse to advise you on this.

Congratulations on your new son too.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Theh,

    Yes you can change to formula, with formula there’s no risk.

  2. Theh

    Hi I’m hiv positive been talking my arvs throughout pregnancy I’m brestfeeding for 4 days now and i want to change to formula feeding can i do that

  3. Lisa Thorley
  4. Eunice

    Hi my son is 10 weeks now an he’s on nevarapine so the problem is he doesn’t poo its 2 weeks now so is it normal or can I consult

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Michael,

    If it looks like you might run out of medication for your baby, please go to the clinic before the 6 week appointment. This is important, especially if your partner is breastfeeding.

  6. Michael

    Hi my child is on nevaropine & his 14 days now , his going 2 the clinic on 6 weeks . Now at hospital dey gave us 1 bottle , what should I do if it gets finish . Before 6 weeks of going 2 de clinic

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Andile,

    Unless there’s a need to give your daughter gripe water, then no. If you do it won’t have an interaction with the nevarapine.

  8. Andile

    Hi my 1 week 3days daughter is on nevarapine so should i give her gripe water?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Joy,

    First, many congratulations on the birth of your new baby son.

    Please talk to your doctor or nurse about the best way to feed your baby. This can be different in different countries around the world. However, using formula milk only doesn’t increase HIV risk. But mixed feeding with both breastmilk and formula can increase risk. Mixed feeding is not recommended.

    But please discuss this with your doctor. They know the best way to feed your young son.

    Best wishes.

  10. Joy

    Good morning, is it safe to change my newborn from breastfeeding to fomula while he is on nevirapine he is 8days now


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