Q and A


How long will the pains in my feet take to go?

Hi, I have been on meds with Odimone, plus Purbac double strength since December 2015.

My problems are that my feet are always crampy that I can’t wear heels or open shoes.

My doctor says it will go away I time but it is now two years. It’s like the blood on my feet is not running and I m worried cause sometimes I can’t feel anything in my feet.



This sounds like you might have neuropathy which can be caused by HIV.

If you started treatment with a very low CD4 count, this might be the cause as modern HIV drugs no longer have neuropathy as a side effect.

Your doctor needs to give you a diagnosis of what this is likely to be. For example whether this is neuropathy. This should then be written in your medical notes.

Also, although there is no clear treatment, it might still get better over several years. Sometimes painkillers can make the pain.

This link has more information about peripheral neuropathy, in case this is the cause.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Catherine,

    If you’re saying that your fee swell up when you fly, then this is common. Using special socks may help. The swelling has nothing to do with the Atripla.

  2. Catherine

    Hi I’m not showing sickness but my feet swallow so bad when I travel what should I be drinking or is there any other medication I can take they advised me to use pressure stokins I’m on atripla

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lucas,

    The dizziness could be due to the Tribuss. How long have you been taking it? With regards to the knee and muscle issue, this is something that you’ll need to talk to your doctor about.

  4. lucas

    I am taking tribuss tablets some time I feel deezynes and my right musle some times is getting tied and my knees
    I don’t no what to do help me

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Mavata, what does your doctor say about these symptoms? The doctor needs to decide what is causing this before deciding on any treatment.

  6. Mavata

    I am also experience the same thing of iching ,cramps on myfeet and i am using cronic medication my moods and sleepless sometimes pain killers thinking this iching and cramps will overcome. Please i request your advise in this regard.


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