
Can I restart meds?

I’ve been off meds for 3 months, is it OK for me to restart them?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Yes its OK for someone who has been off treatment to restart. Ideally you should discuss this with your doctor. They should check your viral load and CD4 count as well as make sure that you haven’t developed resistance to your previous medication.

You could also talk to them about adherence and why its important.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Backside,
    Yes, it’s okay to restart. Lisa has answered this quesion above. You can talk to your doctor about the reasons for being off meds. You can also ask the doctor to examine the rash to find out what’s causing it.

  2. Backside

    Have been off med for 7months now can I restart because have been having skin rash.


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