Q and A


My viral load is zero, does this mean I’m negative?

I was tested positive 1 year back with a CD4 count of 310. After 3 months the CD4 went up to 540 and now after exactly a year it is 640.

I never got a viral load test before i started my treatment in the beginning but when i got a test now a year after medication the test results say Zero count. Is this possible? Or can it be due to an error in the test? How accurate can these results be?

If the count of 0 viral load is possible is there any chance that i could actually be HIV negative?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Viral loads aren’t usually given as a zero, but it is common to be “undetectable”. This is a good thing and it is the main goal of HIV treatment (ART).

Do you have a copy of the viral load test?

Might they have said that its simply undetectable?

Having an undetectable of zero viral load does not mean you are HIV negative. If you were to do another HIV antibody test it would come back as being positive.

Given that your CD4 count was 310 when you were diagnosed, I’d say that its very unlikely that you’re HIV negative. It is much more likely that the treatment is working well and this has increased it to 640.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sri,

    If you mean how are you doing, the answer is great. Your HIV is 100% under control.

  2. Sri

    My CD4 count in 764 and my viral load is NOT Detected.
    I am under ART treatment from last 4years.

    What is the suggestion from my report?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Anna,

    It’s good that your viral load results are undetectable. It looks like your ART is working well.

    But most people who are HIV positive and on ART will still test antibody positive. Even if HIV can’t be detected in the viral load test.

    This is because HIV tests look for an immune response (called an antibody).

    Even if there was an HIV cure – and this might be found one day – your antibody response is always likely to test HIV positive (i.e. be reactive).

    Please see this Q&A for more info.

  4. Anna

    Am on ART and undetectable. two months ago i tested negative on strip. then second time i went for a test but tested positive. what can be the cause and am not exposed to unprotected sex. kindly hlp

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sipho,

    Yes you can start treatment now. Please discuss this with your doctor. If your viral load is undetectable without medication, this would indicate that you’re what’s called an Elite controller. http://i-base.info/elite-controller/ However, as your CD4 count is 310, this may not be the case. Please discuss this with your doctor.

  6. Sipho

    I waes tested HIV positive two weeks back.My CD4 count was 310 and viral load undecteble.I like to know that behavior for viral load.Seconly can I start an ARVs treatment now.

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Martin,

    What does the clinic say about it? If your girlfriend was on ARVs, the clinic should have tested for HIV. Unfortunatley, there isn’t a cure for HIV yet.

    And once someone tests HIV positive, they will always test HIV antibody positive. But only ARVs can reduce the harm that HIV can do to the immune system. Please see this Q&A about always testing positive on HIV treatment.

    It’s a good idea to go to the clinic and ask whether your girlfriend needs ARVs.

  8. Martin

    My girlfriend was on ARV treatment, &stopped treatment when she was told that she has been healed at church. She took a test and came out negative,6months ago ,we went together for a test last week and tested negative again, We had unprotected sex yesterday night,is it possible that l might have been infected, i’m afraid

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Simmy,
    Thanks, this is a lovely story. Is your friend taking HIV treatment (ART) and has an undetectable viral load? If so, the simple answer is it’s very safe. The precaution for having sex is to make sure she continues to take ART. Please see this link for info about Undetectable = Untransmittable.

  10. Simmy

    My friend is HIV +VE since 4 yrs and is on ART.She is 38 yrs old . A person who is negative wants to marry her despite knowing her condition. How safe is it for them to marry and what all precautions they should take…


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