Q and A


Do ARVS affect your periods?

Hello , I have been taking my HIV meds for around a month now , can this affect my period? My last period ( 1st day of period ) was on 22nd of September 2018 now its 4th November . I had 3 urine pregnancy tests but all negative . Can this be because of meds? I don’t get any symptoms of period nor feel any pregnancy symptoms ( only maybe paranoid my nipples are abit sore )
Please help I spoke to my docs but they said not to worry.


Thanks for getting in touch.

ARVs don’t affect a woman’s menstrual cycle. Therefore this is something that you may wish to discuss with a specialist if it continues.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Phindile, what ARVs and sleeping tablets are you taking? Is missing your period something regular for you? ARVs do not cause changes in a woman’s menstrual cycle. Has your doctor given you any further tests?

  2. Phindile

    Hi please help I’m on ARV’s and also taking sleep tablets, I have missed my periods for 2 months now. I have taken pregnant test 4bthey all came negative but I started to have a nause and BP increase, my feet gets swallen but I went to the doctor he tested me and it came back neg, even ultrasound shows nothing. I’m confused now please help

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Celine, have you spoken to a doctor? and are you on HIV treatment?

  4. Celine

    I am 42 years and I haven’t see my period,last time I had heavy floor then after never seeing my period again,I tested pregnant serveral times sins I was 40 and I tested negative pregnant

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Alexis, how long have you been on your period? and how long is normal for you?

    Reydin does not have side effects related to periods.

  6. Alexis

    Good morning my period have not stopped since I took reydin tablets

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Virginia, please talk to your doctor about this. HIV meds should not cause your periods to stop. This might be related to menopause but the doctor should take this seriously and look at your overall health.

  8. Virginia

    I had seens i start taking mt ARV i haven’t seeing my period for the oasr 3yrs.all start while my child birth after 3months. Bt i waited for a year thought I would see it but there’s nothing even now.or is because I’m 42yrs pls help

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pamela, there are no known ARVs that cause a direct (or indirect) change in a woman’s menstrual cycle. There is a wider understanding that women living with HIV experience more irregularities in their cycle that those living without HIV. However this has only been an observed relationship without proof. While it is possible the irregularities may be caused by HIV, there may be other factors shared between these women that cause this irregularity instead.

    Many women diagnosed with HIV are underweight and this is a known factor to cause menstrual irregularities.

  10. Pamela

    According to my understand,, I think there are some medication ((ARV)) that affects the body of some pple,, mostly I use to here pple complaining about the same issue when they take ARV,, I think they must tell the doctor and change them,, and see what is happening after that,,i am a nurse and a friend of mine was asking me about the same thing,, that is ARV can stop menstruation . So there is some type that disturbs the menstruation cycle.


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