Q and A


Do ARVS affect your periods?

Hello , I have been taking my HIV meds for around a month now , can this affect my period? My last period ( 1st day of period ) was on 22nd of September 2018 now its 4th November . I had 3 urine pregnancy tests but all negative . Can this be because of meds? I don’t get any symptoms of period nor feel any pregnancy symptoms ( only maybe paranoid my nipples are abit sore )
Please help I spoke to my docs but they said not to worry.


Thanks for getting in touch.

ARVs don’t affect a woman’s menstrual cycle. Therefore this is something that you may wish to discuss with a specialist if it continues.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    HI Lizzy, Telatri does not have an effect on your cycle. How many days late are you? and have you done a pregnancy test?

  2. Lizzy

    Hi I had a condom burst,and went to the pharmacy, they gave me Telatri, last month I started on the 4 of January, today is the 2fabruary without see my period,and normal they come before time excepted

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tumi, are you no longer on treatment? and what was the name of the ARVs you were taking? did your periods stop in 2014? and do you ever experience periods/spotting at any point?

    44 is still a little young for menopause without cause. Have you gone to the doctor and explained that your periods stopped so long ago?

  4. Mizzo

    Hi my name is Tumi I’m 44 yrs old since I start taking my ARV frm 2014 so frm 2021 my periods stops,,,iv experienced menopause signs so I’m confused whether I’m on menopause or what?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Thabiso, I am very sorry about your miscarriage – it is a very sad and difficult thing to go through. I hope that you are going to be okay.

    There has been a lot of research into the safety of HIV meds during pregnancy and Volutrip is unlikely to have been a reason for the miscarriage.

    It is much more likely that you very just very unlucky this time. It is actually better that you were taking HIV meds but miscarriages happen to people who are HIV negative, with or without other meds.

  6. Thabiso

    I had miscarriage at 14 weeks pregnant while talking volutrip treatments.so what ‘ve read is that volutrip can harm the unborn baby is that true

  7. Josh Peasegood

    HI Zukiswa, yes you can get pregnant while taking Volutrip. Volutrip does not reduce your fertility and it is also safe to take during pregnancy. Taking Volutrip will keep you healthy and help with conceiving. It is also the best way to keep baby safe and prevent HIV transmission.

  8. Zukiswa

    You can get pregnant while you using volotrip?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nhlanhla, Volutrip does not effect periods. How many days late are you with your period? And what do you mean by not seeing a pregnancy sign? Have you done a pregnancy test to be sure?

  10. Nhlanhla

    Hellow, since I started volutrip I did not see my period but before I used to. So I dont know wjat is happening because my breast are heavy and I do not see any pregnant sign but since they changed me to volutrip tablets there are changes.


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