Q and A


My viral load is undetectable, do I still need to take medication?

My viral load is now stable. I’m not planning on having sex. Do I still need to take medication?


Thanks for getting in touch.

The reason your viral load is stable is because you are still taking your medication.

If you ever stop taking your meds your viral load will quickly become detectable again.

You need to continue taking meds every day for your own health – even if you are not having sex.

If you want your HIV viral load to be stay stable, you need to take your meds every day.


  1. Mark


    I had sex with a commercial sex worker in red light district, Amsterdam. First she performed oral sex on me with condom, then we had vaginal insertive sex with condom. I used the same condom for both the sex. But, I ejaculated only once, at the end. I do not think the condom broke. But, I am not absolutely sure. After sex, she pulled off the condom and touched the tip of my penis with her finger for 2-3 seconds. I am not sure if she had vaginal fluid on her finger or not. Then, I tested after 4 months. The test was named as “Anti HIV(1 & 2)”. The result is negative. What does this mean ? Is the test result conclusive ?

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Xhoni,

    Thanks for getting in touch.

    Yes, this does look like you did not get HIV. Here’s a link to info about the different tests for HIV.

    But what symptoms do you have? What does the doctor say about them?

  3. Xhoni

    Hello Dear,

    I wanted to get in touch with the HIV test, during 10 years I’ve done 4 and it has gone negative, I did the test fast, Eclia test, Elisa test, p24 test, does that mean I’m sure I did not get HIV ? even though I have symptoms of HIV disease, I expect your response, please. Thank you very much,

    With respect

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Eze,

    Did you test HIV positive 2 months ago? Is that why you’re taking ARVs and what does the clinic say?

    Please see this link to more info about different tests for HIV.

  5. Eze

    Am on ARVs for 2 months plus now. Just did series of test(including hiv) while I was sick..my HIV test came out negative with the rapid test(fingerpick Elisa).

    I need more calcifications on this pls.

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sadiq,

    Sorry I misunderstood. But using PrEP, or condoms, should hopefully be a mutual choice with your wife.

  7. sadiq

    thanks for reply so tell me clear my wife use prep for pregnancy i dont tell her about my status

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Hopefully,

    Unfortunately we are not doctors at i-Base. So it’s a good idea to see the doctor at the hospital about your cough. You can also ask for a date for another HIV test to confirm your HIV result.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sadiq,

    It’s great to hear your viral load is undetectable. And good wishes for trying for a baby.

    There’s more about Undetectable = Untransmittable here.

  10. sadiq

    my viral load is undetectable my wife will use prep for pregnancy to get negative baby


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