Q and A


Is it OK to take your meds an hour early?

I took my meds an hour earlier than usual. Am I going to be OK?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Yes, it is OK to take your meds an hour prior to your normal time.

This won’t have any impact on your health.

Nearly all HIV combinations has a window period which will be fine. This is at least one hour either side of your normal time (a window of two hours) and probably even two hours either side of your normal time (a window of four hours).

Regularly missing by more than this – or missing a dose altogether – has a risk of drug resistance.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Debjani, if you take it a day early? do you mean taking a double dose?

    ART should only be taken as prescribed and one dose daily.

  2. Debjani

    What will happen if I take medicine 1 day early

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Judy, this should be discussed with the doctor that prescribed you Keppra.

  4. Judy

    I take Kepra twice a day.
    Should I take them 12 hours apart?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Donn, why do you need to take your medication early?

    If this is a one-off this would be okay. What HIV medication do you take?

  6. donn

    is it okay if i take my meds 8hrs early?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi David,

    Please see the above post. If your HIV is under control, there’s a lot more flexibility.

  8. DAVID


  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Celia,

    It’s fine to change the time of day you take your meds. Just decide on the new time and then carry on at this time each day.

    How’s it going? Do you have access to your CD4 count and viral load results? Please let us know. And also tell us what HIV meds you’re taking.

  10. Celia

    I want to change my dosage time


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