Q and A


Will feeding my baby solids be a problem?

I was told not to mix feed as it might increase chances of infecting my son with HIV. He’s 7 weeks. I wanna know is it possible to feed him soft porridge, he’s drinking formula.


Thanks for getting in touch.

Mix feeding refers to breastmilk and formula milk. Its OK for babies to have solid foods as well as milk. However, your baby is very young. Babies under the age of 6 months don’t need solid food. What they need is milk.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Matt,

    You’re doing really well, excellent in fact. Your meds are working. Unless you have any issues your viral load should become undetectable within 1-3 months of starting medication. If you’re in the UK you’ll have your viral load monitored monthly until it becomes undetectable.

  2. Matt

    My viral load from before treatment to first month went from 330,000 to 430. Is that a sign the medication will get me to undetectable?


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