Q and A


I’m pregnant, do I need to take medication?

I’m 6 months pregnant. Last month I started medication. I didn’t feel well when I was taking it, so I stopped. My doctor told me that I need to take my medication. I started medication again on Sunday. I woke up and vomited, I really don’t feel well and want to stop. Can I stop?


Thanks for getting in touch.

What your doctor has told you is correct, you need to be on treatment. This is important because you’re pregnant. Its the treatment, so ARVs that will reduce the risk of transmission to your baby. If you don’t use ARVs you risk infecting your baby. Please see here for more info: https://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

When someone starts medication, especially if it contains efavirenz its common to have side effects. These side effects should go within a few weeks. However, if you’re really struggling with your current treatment, you should talk to your doctor about changing.

Though this can be a difficult period, its very important that you use ARVs.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Mfundo,

    It’s good to hear you’re fine, you’ve never been sick and you’re also healthy. Many congratualtions on the news that you’re going to have a baby.

    The other good news is that by taking ART your viral load is undetectable. That means you cannot transmit HIV to your boyfriend even if you don’t use condoms. Please see undetectable = untransmittable (U=U) here.

    The benefits of ART are not just to your own health. Treating your HIV will reduce the risk of your baby becoming HIV positive to almost zero.

    Without ART, one in four babies born to HIV positive women will be born HIV positive. But ART can almost completely prevent transmission of HIV.

    It’s good that you’ve booked for the antenatal clinic. Here’s the guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health.

    Choosing the right time to tell your boyfriend about your HIV sounds right. But it’s good to hear he’s supportive and happy about your pregnancy.

  2. Mfundo

    I’m Mfundo,I’m on medication from 2017 July since now( ARTs)so my viral load was undetectable from last year so my doctor transfer me to a pharmacy to take my meds coz everything was fine, still now i do take them i have an appointment again this year june 2019 i think for another blood test, now my problem is in March i found out I’m pregnant and the doctor did a scan I’m 8 weeks i don’t know how it happened coz my bf n i have been using condoms all the way but he wanted a baby we talk about it n i said I’m not ready ,it my 1st child i was stressed about it at 1st now I’m ok coz I’m 30 yrs old n working, i haven’t told him about my status but I’m waiting for the right time to do it esp now,coz I’m pregnant he is supportive n happy, i would like to know my risk of having an unprotected sex while pregnant in an undetactable viral load? my concerns on to transmit the disease to my unborn baby, but i do take my meds I’m about to start the antenatal care booked 4 May 8th, I’m perfectly fine never been sick im also healthy, my concerns is this baby and having sex with him while pregnant coz i don’t know his status either, should i tell him immediately abt mine or insist on using condom every time, though i got preg, while i was using a condom, should we not have sex at all?
    Regards, confused


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