I missed my meds for 4 days, will I be OK?
7 May 2019. Related: All topics, CD4 and viral load.
I’m traveling for work and forgot my meds…Meaning I will miss 4 doses of Biktarvy
My viral load has been undetectable for nearly 10 years now and I am otherwise in very good health… so how dangerous is missing 4 doses?
Thanks for getting in touch.
Meds needs to be taken every day to make sure that there are always good drug levels in your body, Getting the timing right means you still have good levels when you come to taje the next dose. This is for week day and weekends, every day in the year.
Luckily though, as drugs have become better, they also provide cover if you are sometimes late.
Though missing four days is not good, you should be okay. This is because after ten years, levels of HIV will be very very low. If you do this often though, you might develop drug resistance.
Your partners will also be okay from this time. It usually takes a couple of weeks for a viral load to rebound. As soon as you get home, make sure that you take your meds. If possible you may want to have your viral load checked.
Hi Ryan, even when you are oll it is still imprtant to try to take your HIV meds. Some illnesses might cause your viral load to increase even if you are taking meds. As you have been undetectable for so long, even missing 7 days is unlikely to be long enough for viral loaf to rebound. So your partner will be fine but it is better to not stop HIV meds.
I am taking Dovato and missed about 5-7 days due to an illness but have started medication again.
I had unprotected sex with partner shortly after. Did my viral load go up significantly enough to expose him? I have been undetectable for years.
Hi Zama, I am sorry I don’t have enough details to comment. In general though, if your HIV meds are TLD, it might be better to taking the 3-drug ART every other day and to take PrEP on the alternate days. This will be okay for these five days.
I am running out of my medication will I be ok if I take Prep for the next 5 days till I get my art again??
Hi Shasha, thanks – and great you are being so careful taking your meds. Being a few hours early or late will not be a problem and will not affect your viral load :)
I have been taking medication for about 1 year and a half. But one time i missed my medication for about an hour . I supposedly take it by 10 pm but i took it on 11 pm. Will this effect my viral load or anything ?
Hello Katlego and thanks for getting in touch.
Congratulations on the new baby – you must be over the moon :)
Taking your medication every day is very important for you and your baby.
Taking it an hour or two late will not make any difference to your or your baby’s health.
I am sending you the information we use in the UK for breastfeeding as I think you will find it useful:
If I miss time to drink my hiv and I am breasting my baby what will happening to him
Hello Ann and thank you for your message.
I don’t know the conditions in every country.
Please see here, there might be more information:
Any country accepting HIV to working abroad? I plan to working aboard