Q and A


What causes mouth ulcers?

Thank you very much for all the hard work you do.

Your site has helped me understand some of the questions l fail to ask my consultant due to time limit and absences.

My question is what causes recurrent mouth ulcers?

In the last week I have noticed 2 or more ulcers in my mouth without any illness at all.

I take my medication well and l have not suffered any side effects.

These ulcers are becoming a concern and affecting me socially.


Your doctor really needs to see the ulcer in order to know what is likely to be causing this.

If they are related to herpes infection, then you can treat with acyclovir.

But aphthous ulcers (canker sores) can be caused by other things, including stress, lack of sleep, being run down, other illnesses, vitamin or mineral deficiencies – many of which are a bit similar to when HIV reduces your immune system – or accidental damage from biting, over-vigourous use of a tooth-brush or from hot food etc.

They may or may not be related to your HIV. Generally, if you have a CD4 count over 300 and are on treatment, then this is just a regular ulcer and is unrelated to HIV.

Some over the counter medications, including pastilles, mouthwashes (even rinsing with salt water) may help, but if they persist, go back to your doctor. Topical steroids are sometimes used.


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