Q and A


My childs tested negative twice, will she be OK?

Hi, my baby is 5 months old has so far tested negative twice. However my viral load is 57 and I’ve been breastfeeding her. I’m worried that her result may change when she tests again at 18 months.


Thanks for getting in touch.

Its great to hear that your child has already tested negative, and twice, this is really important. Its a good sign that they’ll be negative.

Though your viral load is 57, its very unlikely that your childs HIV test results will be positive. However, as you’ve said you may need to wait until they are 18 months old to be 100% sure. Please see  here: https://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy/hiv-negative


  1. Mpho

    Your baby might just be okay im an living with hiv my son in 1year 8moths now he turns 2 november he tested nagative im happy about it so dint stress too much just wait till he or she turn a year and half and get him tested again

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Anne,

    It sounds like you are doing eveything you can to look after your baby’s health.

    Very best wishes for his 3rd antibody test.

  3. Anne

    Thanks a lot for encouragement and support we get from you.My baby too who is seven months stopped breastfeeding at 3,out of fear of infecting him though undetectable the two tests at 2and 6 months are negative.How i wish the 3rd and last antibody test will turn neg too for this innocent soul.

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Boys,

    Sorry, I don’t understand your question. But all transmission and testing Q&As are here.

  5. Boys

    Me too I had sex with a Girl using a condom but the condom Bust. I detected that in one minute time then I changed the condom and she put a lubricant then we continue.But it was a quick sex and it’s been two days since we had sex and I didn’t test for HIV since..


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