Q and A


My viral load is high, can I breastfeed?

My daughter is 3 weeks old. I’ve not been breastfeeding her because I didn’t have very much milk. I now have a lot of milk. Is it OK to switch from formula to breast milk even if my viral load is high?


Thanks for getting in touch.

If your viral load is detectable and especially if it is high,  you need to keep to formula milk.

Otherwise, there is a high risk that your baby will become HIV positive.

Feeding guidelines for infants vary depending on where it is that a person lives. Breastfeeding in only recommended in some countries when viral load is undetectable.

With a high viral load there is a high risk of HIV transmission.

Also, for your own health, do you know why your viral load is detectable?

Are you taking HIV medicines? If yes, is your doctor planning to change these?


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Monica, congratulations on having a baby. Using breastmilk on baby’s skin is not going to risk transmission, however breastmilk is not a treatment for nappy rash.

    Nappy rash can be prevented/treated with creams from a pharmacy. You do not need to see a doctor to get this cream, you can speak with your pharmacist and they will be able to advise what cream to use to help with baby’s nappy rash.

  2. Monica

    My viral load is 50 copies my baby had bad nappy rash and I used my breast milk to heal it will she be infected


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