
Can I work in Qatar?

I’ve been offered a job in Qatar. I’m positive and undetectable, am I able to work there?


Thanks for getting in touch,

Qatar like other countries in that region have high levels of discriminations against people who are HIV positive.

To say that there are unwelcoming in an understatement as the following explains:


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sagar, as i-base is a UK based charity I do not know the details. The information provided can be found here:

    Are you able to contact your local Qatar embassy and speak with them about regulations?

  2. Sagar

    Hello where can I test my HIV and I had symptoms and I am not scared now

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Watt, unfortunately the situation has remained much the same. After 1 month of staying in Qatar, a medical exam is required. This includes a HIV test. Testing positive regardless of being undetectable will mean that you will be deported.

  4. Watt T

    Does anyone know about current situation? HIV+, undetectable and no health problem (assymptomatic) will be denied visas and will be deported? I’ve been offered a job in Qatar too. Kinda worried after read all the information on the internet.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Suleiman

    Please see the answer to the question you are commenting on.

    Qatar has an HIV ban.

  6. Suleiman

    I also am positive undetectable and eagerly want to work at Qatar, my distress is will i be allowed?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Yassen, I am sorry to say but this is still the most up to date information. Testing is required for working in Qatar and anyone testing positive will be denied visas.


    Is it still like this. I am in Qatar and want to apply for work. I’m afraid as I think you will get tested.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Varat,

    Please see this page on HIV travel. It says there are no entry restrictions for people living with HIV.

  10. varat

    How about USA ?
    is it able to live or work there ?


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