Q and A


Can I mix feed?

I have a 10 weeks old infant and she tested negative at birth. However I\'m having sleepless nights, waiting in anticipation for her results as she got tested again when I took her for her 10 weeks vaccination. When I gave birth the doctor advised that I could mix feed since my CD4 count is 889 and viral load is undetectable but the nurse disagreed and said I should choose one so I chose breastfeeding. However, I have not disclosed my status at home and my mom constantly insists on mix feeding,solid feeding (cerealec) and giving her medication (Muthi wenyonyi,Qhuma,Lenon medicines,Panado,gripe water and Scott Emulsion) and now I’ve decided to stop breastfeeding once and for all. What are the chances of my daughter’s results coming out positive?


Thanks for getting in touch.

What your doctor told you is wrong. Babies born to HIV positive mothers need to be either formula fed or breastfed. However, guidelines on which method to use vary depending on where it is that a woman lives. For example in the UK where i-base are based, women aren’t advised to breastfeed. However, in South Africa they are as long as their viral load is undetectable.

The important thing is that babies need to be either be formula feed or breastfeed, not both.

You’ve mentioned that your baby is also being give solids. Your baby is too young to be given solids and this includes porridge. Introducing solids too early can increase the risk of a baby being positive. Therefore, this is something that you’re going to need to think about.

Your child is being given a lot of things that they simply do not need. Unless your child is unwell all they need is milk and milk alone.

If your child is taking ARVs, (which they should be as your breastfeeding) you need to be careful of possible interactions. This is why it’s important to talk to your childs doctor first before giving them any other medication.

If you aren’t ready to tell your family about your status, this is of course up to you. You do however need to be very clear with them about what your baby can and can’t have.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Matshidiso, congratulations on having a baby. How is baby feeding? How often are they crying when you have no milk left?

    Mixed feeding isn’t recommended for the first 6 months. This is because this can increase the risk of transmission to baby, though it is only a small risk with a low viral load.

    Is baby feeding well e.g., is there are vomit after feeding? and do they have wet nappies and open their bowels?

    If you are struggling with how much breast milk is needed are you able to express milk when they are not feeding? So you can then store milk ready if you are unable to produce anymore.

  2. Matshidiso

    Hi..I have 1month old baby and my viral load is LTD am breastfeeding him but my baby cries a lot bcz I don’t have enough milk in my breast please advice what can I do…someone adviced I should give him formula and breast milk but am afraid

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zandi, after 6 months there is no increased risk from mixed feeding. Your helper giving your child formula is not going to have risked baby becoming positive. You can continue to breastfeed. You can also introduce other food to baby’s diet if this is something you want to do.

  4. Zandi

    Hi I’m have a 10 months old and my viral load is not dictated and been breastfeeding from day one and my helper gave my child formula while I was away and I breastfeed her when I came back will this make any harm to my daughter as I still want to breastfeed?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zana, congratulations on having a baby. The recommendation is for baby to take Bactrim while they are being breastfed. This continues until they have their status confirmed after breastfeeding stops.

  6. Zana

    I have a 5 months old son, I went to the clinic to collect bactrim they refuse to give him I’m a breastfeeding mom they said if your viral load is LTDL there is no need to continue so is it safe to breastfeed while the baby is not on bacrtim while breastfeeding

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Natie, congratulations on having a baby. How long after feeding is baby vomiting? and what is the colour? and do you know if the formula you are using is cows milk?

  8. Natie

    Good day. I’m hiv positive and my viral load is 27.my baby is 10weeks old and she is on breastfeed. My problem is l don’t have enough milk and it’s time for me to go back to work. I tried to give her formula and stopped breastfeed but she is vomiting. What should I do?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zinhle, congratulations on having a baby. No baby will not be infected from this. Why did his grandmother give him a teaspoon of glucose? As you are breastfeeding baby is already getting all the nutrition they require. There is no need to be given them more.

  10. Zinhle

    My viral load is lower than detected limit, I have 2 months baby and breastfeeding only his grandmother gave him a teaspoon of glucose for once will my baby get infected?

    He’s on Bactrim


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