
My viral load is undetectable can I be reinfected?

Hi. If my viral load is undetectable and I have unprotected sex with someone who has a high viral load with a different strain of HIV, will my meds stop me contracting that form of HIV as well?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Given that your HIV is under control, it’s very unlikely that you’ll be reinfected, this is because your meds will protect you. For further info, please see here:


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi there B, these meds are readlly effective and this will show in the CD4 and viral load results. Do you know what these results were when you were first diagnosed? Have you have these tests since?

    Please also speak to your doctor about any symptoms you have. The doctor needs to find out the possible cause.

    In the UK, the doctor would also check your CDE4 count and viral load to see how well the meds are working.

  2. B

    Good day. I’m almost on my 6th month on arvs and I’m just curious to have effective does the drug work as I take them religiously but lately I’ve been getting chills and muscle pains. I worry that it’s not working for me? I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nik, no this will not impact her undetectable status.

    As she is doing well on treatment, her own medication will work to prevent any further risk of superinfection.

    This is called Treatment as Prevention (TasP):

  4. Nik

    Would you know if a person
    Who’s undetectable and on ART for 6 months
    had unprotected oral sex with another hiv positive person who’s NOT on ART yet and tested positive for hiv 1 with a reactive index of 940 >=1

    Will it affect her undetectable status, by any chance please ? Thanks

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gertrude, are you talking about your CD4 count being 700? or your viral load?

  6. Gertrude

    Hi I am on ARVs since 2015 and my viral load
    has been suppressed since then and CD4 now on seven hundred and something so I am asking if I can be reinfected if I have sex with an HIV positive person or will I infect that person?


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