Q and A


Does ‘non-reactive’ mean I am HIV negative?

I am 24 years old. I had sex 9 months ago with my boyfriend and I am now going to get married to someone else. I was afraid of getting HIV, so I got myself tested at Ranbaxy laboratory Amritsar after 8 months, and the result was non reactive.

They performed rapid card test, but know i fear that they had used an already used syringe. They used the vaccum system to collect my blood sample. please tell me whether the this type of syringe can be reused and am i infected with HIV or is it just my fear?


Non-reactive means the result is HIV negative.

However the blood was collected, you are still HIV negative. Ranbaxy labs would not re-use syringes.

Please see Questions 1 and 8 at this link for more information.

This answer was updated in January 2018 from an original Q&A posted in August 2007.


  1. Svilen Konov

    Yes, you do have a chance to be HIV-negative. HIV is a fairly difficult virus to catch, unlike some other viruses. In addition, not every contact necessarily leads to an infection. There are many factors that play a role. Among those are the viral load of your boyfriend, whether there was any blood involved during the sexual contact, etc. Again, there is a very good chance that you are still HIV-negative.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Rozita Maria

    I tested for HIV. My result was NON-REACTIVE. My fiance is HIV-positive. We always use a condom. A few days ago the condoms tore. The lab told us that I can only test 3 months after the contact to be sure.

  3. Svilen Konov

    Great news!

  4. p.rakesh


  5. Simon Collins

    I do not know what alonial water is, but you can not get HIV from drinking anything.

  6. alonsai

    im alonsai friends…i scared i get infection..cause i drank alonlai water before…will it be ?

  7. Simon Collins

    As with the answer above, non-reactive means that your were HIV-negative in December. It is not the same as saying you are ‘safe’. Just that you do not have HIV.

    If you continue to have safer sex (using condoms) you should stay HIV-negative.

  8. alonlai

    I had sex 2 years ago in dec 2005 and I had tested for HIV in dec 2007. The result is non reactive ..izit mean I’m safe..?

  9. Simon Collins

    You could test with the DUO test which also test for p24 which means it is accurate 4 weeks after the exposure.

    If it it negative – which is very likely – then you will know for sure. If it is positive, then this is something that would be very unusual not to discuss with your future wife.

  10. vijay

    I had sex with a woman who I paid to have sex with me on 19th November. At that time I was wearing a condom. I also had oral sex. When I was trying to insert my penis, the condom tore. Then I wore a new condom.

    Now I am worried about that. So i have taken an HIV serology test on November 28th. it was “HIV Antgen & Antibody is Non-Reactive”. ie, HIV-negative, right? Do i need to take any other test in future? Please give any suggestions for me.

    Next month I plan to get marry a girl. Pls tell me , should I postpone the marriage?