Q and A


Does ‘non-reactive’ mean I am HIV negative?

I am 24 years old. I had sex 9 months ago with my boyfriend and I am now going to get married to someone else. I was afraid of getting HIV, so I got myself tested at Ranbaxy laboratory Amritsar after 8 months, and the result was non reactive.

They performed rapid card test, but know i fear that they had used an already used syringe. They used the vaccum system to collect my blood sample. please tell me whether the this type of syringe can be reused and am i infected with HIV or is it just my fear?


Non-reactive means the result is HIV negative.

However the blood was collected, you are still HIV negative. Ranbaxy labs would not re-use syringes.

Please see Questions 1 and 8 at this link for more information.

This answer was updated in January 2018 from an original Q&A posted in August 2007.


  1. Ebraham

    My test anti hiv 1-2
    Result:non reactive
    Reference range: non reactive 1.0
    I have HIV Positive OR negativ

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Sorry, we no longer answer questions about transmission and testing. This information service is for people who are HIV positive and about HIV treatment.

    Most questions about transmission and testing have been answered here:

  3. beckie

    I made an Huh test and on the results they put TR the nurse told me it means negative is it true?

  4. Simon Collins

    It means HIV negative – the person does not have HIV.

  5. Habibu

    Me ake nufida nonreactive

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Ntsakiso

    Lots of couples have a family when one of them is positive and the other is negative.

    See this link for more information:

    The full guide linked at the bottom of this page includes more details information about how to conceive when one partenr is HIV negative and the other is HIV positive and on treatment.

  7. ntsakiso

    im hiv positive my partner is hiv negative i want a bby

  8. Simon Collins

    Thanks Charles – I completely agree :)

  9. Charles

    When Dr’s tell people what their HIV test results, they SHOULD get out of the habit of explaining things in technical ways. For example, HIV index values and phrases such as nonreactive or reactive.

  10. Simon Collins

    The main question answers this. A non reactive result means that you are HIV negative.
    See also: