
Is Novatrim the same as nevirapine and zidovudine?

My baby is exposed to HIV so I was given nevirapine and zidovudine. But when I went for refill for zidovudine because it has finished the nurse gave me Novatrim without asking any questions. Is it Novatrim and is it good for my son of three weeks.


Hi there

No, these are different medicines.

Nevirapine and zidovudine are both HIV medicines. They are only given to you baby for a short time – usually four weeks.

Novatrim is an antibiotic that is also called cotrimoxazole This tablet contains two antibiotics. This is usually given to the baby afterwards and for a much longer time.

If the times were different or if you are still worried, please call you clinic so they can double-check.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Joseph, please see here for more information about Novatrim (co-trimoxazole):

  2. Joseph

    I want to know more about this medication Novatrim

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sphelele, congratulations on having a baby. As your viral load is less than detectable, baby only needs nevirapine. She does not need to be taking nevirapine AND zidovudine.

    Nevirapine alone will be effective enough at preventing transmission. More information about treatment for baby can be found here:

  4. sphelele

    My baby is 3 weeks and 4 days she was on Navirapine and Zidovudine.At the clinic they ran short of Zidovudine is it okay cause now we are using Navirapine only, how are the risks my viral load is low than detectable

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nonzuzo, congratulations on having a baby.

    Did your doctor tell you how much to give or are there instructions either on the box or the bottle?

    If there are no instructions/you are unsure, you can speak with your pharmacist and they will be able to advise what to give baby.

  6. Nonzuzo

    How many ml of novatrim must I give my baby daily

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sonia, congratulations on having a baby.

    This would be okay if you are only intending to do this switch once e.g., only breastfeed.

    Switching back and forth will increase the risk of transmission to baby. But doing this switch once is low enough risk that it would still be recommended to continue to exclusively breastfeed if you are able to do this.

  8. Sonia

    Hi I stopped breastfeeding my baby for 1 month and I’m hiv positive with a low viral load,I’m undetectable so I want to ask if it’s possible to switch from bottle feeding to breastfeed…my baby is 2 months

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ntombie, yes you should. It is recommended that baby has at least 6 weeks of ART. This is regardless of how they are being fed.

    This is because they were exposed to HIV while in the womb. ART taken for the first 6 weeks is used as PEP from exposure before being born.

  10. Ntombie

    If i dont breastfeed should i continue giving my child adcozidovine and nevirapine


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