Q and A


Do CD4 counts fluctuate?

I’m taking Genvoya and these are my CD4 count and viral load results.
Jun 2019 RNA: Undetectable CD4: 603
Jun 2020 RNA: Undetectable CD4: 367
AuG 2020 RNA: Undetectable CD4: 430

Apparently when I did the CD4 counting in June 2020, I had an tonsillitis after that I took antibiotics and redo the counting in August, it is better than in June but still low. Do you know what might be the reason. I smoke Cannabis and drink alcohol occasionally, I dont know if it has to do with the results?


Thanks for getting in touch.

CD4 counts fluctuate all the time as the following explains: https://i-base.info/qa/424

When you’re on treatments what’s important is your viral load. As your viral load is undetectable and has been for a while, your HIV is under control. Your CD4 count is also fine.

It’s OK to drink, and though no drugs are ideal, smoking won’t cause your CD4 to drop, neither will drinking.


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