Q and A


Am I at risk of getting HIV?


Firstly let me thank you all for providing such a good and free service which can let people get the right information. One week ago I had oral sex with someone without a condom. I was the one receiving oral sex. I later realised I had a little pimple on my penis but no wound and cut on it and the pimple disappeared the next second day.

I was afraid, so I asked that person to go and have a HIV test with me. We were both HIV negative but I am still afraid. If that person is in the window period will there still be a chance I have become infected? I am not sure if there was any cut in that person’s mouth. If I still want to have a blood test, when should I go – after 6 weeks?

Thanks for your answer in advance.


Thank you for your question.

You are doing the right thing by taking a HIV test if you are having unprotected sex. Modern tests are accurate 2-3 weeks after exposure to HIV. For more information on transmission and testing please follow this link to our factsheet. If you both tested HIV negative then it sounds as if you have no reason to worry. However, if you want to put your mind at rest you could go for another test in 2-3 weeks time.

Oral sex generally has a low risk of HIV transmission. You may be interested in reading a similar question about the risk of transmission through oral sex by following this link.

Good luck. For further information please contact us again or call the phoneline (Mon-Wed 12-4pm)