Q and A


Can I drink alcohol with Atripla?

Does ‘an empty stomach’ mean no drinking alcohol either? And if so what are the consequences? Could one develop resistance or stop the medication from working at their full potential by drinking alcohol? I have been on Atripla for the last three years and although I am careful not to eat for at least two hours before I take my meds I have a glass or two of wine (sometimes three). Should I worry? Thank you


Thank you for your question.

Drinking wine before taking Atripla will not cause resistance to the medication. If you forget to take the medication because you have drunk too much wine it may cause resistance.

Drinking alcohol will not stop the medication from working. The recommendation to take Atripla on an empty stomach is to reduce side effects to the medication such as nausea, dizziness, trouble sleeping and so on. Excessive alcohol consumption can sometimes make these side effects more severe.

Alcohol in moderation should be fine. Excessive use of alcohol can cause problems. As with all medications, HIV treatment is filtered from the blood by the liver. Excessive drinking can cause damage to liver which can be more severe if you are on HIV medication.


  1. Simon Collins

    Thanks – this shows the range of responses that people have to the same drug. Although most people know they are taking it when they start, perhaps 10-20% of people report not feeling anything different. Efavirenz is still one of the most widely used ARVs and most people report that side effects become much easier.

  2. frank

    I was absolutely terrified of taking this pill because of the side effects, but when I did take it I felt a little different the first day and I’ve had zero problems or odd feelings since, I actually had to ask if THAT was normal lol

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Taco,
    I’m glad to hear that the first dose went so well! Not everybody experiences side effects so you may be one of the lucky ones. I hope things continue to go so well but let us know if you have any questions!

  4. taco1979

    Ok… so I took my first dose (I work nights right now) as prescribed. I went to bed, I woke up feeling refreshed, like the fog I’ve been in for the passed 2-3 months has finally lifted. I felt like myself again, hopefully this continues! Is it normal to not experience any of the side effects of the drug on the first round?

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Taco,

    The term AIDS used to be used when people who were HIV positive got ill. But since treatment has become available it’s not used very much anymore.

    I hope that you get on well with your first few days of treatment. Some people get side effects when they start medication, which usually get better after the first couple of weeks. Our side effects guide has information about what to expect with Atripla. It’s important not to take Atripla with a high fat meal because this can make side effects worse. Most people take Atripla at night before bed to reduce these side effects.

    Please let me know how you are getting on, and if you have any questions!

  6. taco1979

    I think my CD4 count when last checked was 135. I know that it being this low is one of the qualifiers of being diagnosed with AIDS but my doctor did not, he said he doesn’t think I have AIDS so I’m crossing my fingers. I got my medication today, Atripla and an antibiotic Sulfamethoxazole/tmp Ds. I am hoping that I can attain some normalcy, feel more like myself than a zombie.

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Taco,

    I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Do you know what your CD4 count is?

    All of the symptoms you describe may be related to HIV. If they are then starting HIV treatment should improve these. I can’t say definitely that HIV treatment will make everything better but if these symptoms are connected to HIV should should see an improvement.

    For more information about starting treatment please follow this link to our Introduction to combination therapy.

  8. taco

    I’ve recently been diagnosed with HIV. My doctor told me he was going to put me on Atripla. I have some concerns… a) I already have periods of lethargy, will this medication alleviate this? b) I have periods of low energy or just plain no energy at all, will this medication alleviate this? c) I already have thrush on my tongue, will this medication adjust my levels enough that an anti-fungal medication once taken can rid me of this pest once and for all?

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Mdletye,

    HIV treatment is very individual and people respond at different rates. Your treatment should already have brought the level of virus in your body down a long way and your body should be getting stronger already. If you could tell me a bit more about your own case I should be able to give you a more personal response.

    Do you know what your CD4 count was when you started treatment? And have you had any viral load tests?

    Did you have any symptoms or infections before starting treatment?

  10. mdletye


    I’m on Odimune for 2 months now. How long do they take to works and show the difference>


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