
Can you take Telatri when pregnant?

I’m taking an ARV called Telatri. Will this have any impact on my ability to get pregnant? Is it OK to take if I do fall pregnant?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Telatri is a modern combination of three generic HIV drugs in a single pill. It contains dolutegravir, tenofovir (TD) and lamivudine (3TC).

ARVs will not affect your fertility. If you become pregnant it’s OK to take Telatri, as they will help protect your baby against HIV.

As you’re thinking about having a baby, this guide has more information:


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Comfort, as your girlfriend has been on treatment it is likely that her viral load is suppressed. Does she know what it is? If it is below 200/undetected there is no risk of transmission, event without using a condom. This is explained by U=U:

  2. Comfort

    Hi,i just findout that my girlfriend has been taking Telatri since 2018,ist possible that i might have infected with HIV since we have been having unprotected sex?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Samke, Telatri does not have an effect on fertility. As Telatri is keeping you healthy by suppressing HIV, it will only have a positive impact on your fertility and chances of pregnancy.

  4. Samke

    Hi I’m taking telatri and been trying to get pregnant, so should I be worried because now I’m stressed that maybe I might not fall pregnant,does telatri affect fertility?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Malto, how do you know your partner is taking Telatri?

  6. Matlo

    I do have a problem with my partner she taking telatri treatment and she’s hiding from me and how to handle this situation so please give some advice.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Vulie, as you only missed it for 2 days this will not effect your treatment. It will still work. Most HIV medications have a long half life. This means they stay in the body longer than 24 hours. When missing medication for longer e.g., 4 or more days, this is when there is a risk of treatment failure. Though it is still advised to take treatment daily, occasionally missing a dose(s) by mistake is not a problem.

  8. Vulie

    I’m taking telantri and missed taking it for 2 days but continue taking on the 3rd day. What must i do

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Nokulunga, there are no interactions between hormonal contraceptives and your HIV meds. This useful table shows that no additional contraceptives are needed.
    Please scroll down to see DTG (for dolutegravir) under the heading INSTI (for integrase inhibitors).

  10. Nokulunga

    Hi i use implant for preventing pregnancy is it possible to me get pregnant while i am using Telatri (TDF/lamivudine/dolutegravir – also called TLD)?


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