
I missed two days of meds, is this OK?

I forgot to take my meds for 2 days, am I going to be OK?


Thanks for getting in touch.

ARVs should be taken daily, however from time to time people forget to take their meds, or life just gets in the way. Though they should be taken daily, if you’ve just missed the two days you should be OK, this is because it takes about a week for a persons viral load to rebond (that is if your viral load is undetectable). The important thing is that you don’t make this a habit and that you’re now back to taking them.


  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Lelo and thanks for getting in touch.

    Please don’t worry. These things happen, in life.
    There is no effect if you missed 4 doses of your medication.
    You will still be healthy.

    Will you be able to re-start your medication soon, like in the next few days?

    If yes, then please don’t worry – restart your treatment and everything will be alright.
    If no, try to find a local clinic or community organisation that will be able to give you some supply to bridge you until you can get your medication.

  2. Lelo

    I forgot my meditation where i’m staying there was an emergency, its been 4 days.. I’m scared, how is it gonna affect me?


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