
Can I use the Indian COVAXIN vaccine if I am on ART?

Hi! I’ve been offered the COVAXIN vaccine for Covid19 from Barach Biotech. But I’ve been on succesful treatment for HIV for 1 year and a half. Is this vaccine still safe for me?


Great to hear you are now on ART – which I hope is also going well. 
UK guidelines include HIV as one of the medical conditions that lets people get earlier access to COVID vaccines. And vaccination is recommended for all people living with HIV. Being on treatment is also much better.
Guidelines also recommend using the first vaccine that you are offered as approved vaccines are really effective. It is better to have some level of protection as soon as available. This doesn’t stop you using other vaccines in the future – and some studies are looking at this.
Although only limited results are available for COVAXIN, the early data are similar to other vaccines. COVAXIN is an important part of the vaccine programme in India where the risk from COVID-19 are especially high at the moment.
This link has more info about COVID vaccines:
Q&As on COVID-19 vaccines: safety, effective, dosing, ethnicity, chemsex, Halal?
This article has more details on COVAXIN.
Interim results report 80% efficacy for India’s COVAXIN vaccine


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sebastian,

    Yes it’s safe for people who have HIV to use the Phizer vaccine. It’s being used in the UK and with people who are positive.

  2. Sebastian

    According to the fact sheet posted on Bharat Biotech’s website, it is advisable not to take the vaccine if a person has weaker immunity or are on a medicine that affects their immune system. Is it still safe for people with HIV to take this vaccine?


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