Q and A


Do I need PEP if I was a few hours late with PrEP?

Hello. I had receptive anal sex and I took my second dose of on demand prep 3.5 hours later than I should.

Do I need PEP?


Hi there

Please do not worry.

Both drugs in oral PrEP work together to give you good coverage throughout 2:1:1 on-demand dosing.

The first double dose will have given you a window when the drugs would still be a good levels.

Just continue as usual.

But additional dosing is also very flexible. Because some people take PrEP every day, you can always take an additional dose if you are worried. For example, take one more dose for one more day – ie: 2:1:1:1.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Bruno, was this a high risk exposure? You can work this out here: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/risks-for-transmission

    As you had taken this initial double dose, there is going to be a higher level of PrEP in your body than normal. This can help account for being late with the following dose and is still going to provide some protection.

    As on-demand PrEP was not taken at the recommended times for 2:1:1 dosing, the same level of protection cannot be guaranteed but depending on the baseline risk of the exposure, the PrEP you did take is likely going to provide enough protection to not require PEP.

    If PEP is required, continuing with PrEP until you can obtain the full combination of PEP will help to prevent transmission.

    For more information about PEP please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  2. Bruno

    I am on demand prep 2:1:1, but on my second day I took 8 hours later in relation to my first day (2 tabs). Will I still be protected if I now add an extra day? 2:1:1:1? Do I need to add that extra day now because I was late on my second day of prep on demand?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    HI Zash, how were you taking PrEP e.g., on-demand or daily? and when did you have sex in relation to this late dose?

    Did you continue with PrEP for the following few days?

  4. Zash

    I took my prep pill 4 hours late,am i at risk?


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