Q and A


I had sex without a condom while on PEP. Is my partner at risk?

I slept with someone I just met recently without using a condom. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me Adco-Emtevir for safety precautions for my PEP treatment. Yesterday I had unprotected sex with my partner, what are the risks of having HIV and infecting my partner? I’m still on PEP treatment.


Hi, how are you doing?

Do you know if the first partner you slept with had HIV? What will change the risk to your partner is how long you’ve been on PEP and when you started. Transmitting HIV is not easy and it would be unlikely that you have put your partner at risk.

Have you told your partner that you’re on PEP? Though small, there may be a risk and this would be discussed with a doctor.

If you have another question let us know,


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Anonymous, do you know the viral load of the man you had sex with? If he was on treatment with a viral load below 200 there is no risk of transmission.

    The PrEP you have taken is going to provide some protection but it cannot be guaranteed how much protection. Have you continued with on-demand PrEP for the following 2 days after sex?

    PEP is only recommended in high risk exposures e.g., high viral load, other infections, long duration of sex etc…

    More information about PEP can be found here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  2. Anonymous

    Very nervous. I had unprotected receptive sex with HIV pos guy (found out after) had pep about 26/27hrs later.
    He told me to get treatment

    I took a prep 30 mins before (didn’t know you had to take 2 pills 2 hrs minimum before) & another about an hour later.
    I stupidly didn’t tell the doc because I bought prep online from fear of getting it from a doc -dnt know why!?

    Do I need to be on pep?
    Have a long term gf & running out of excuses not to have sex

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tovey, as you are currently being treated it is not recommended to have sex before you can confirm your results are negative. Did your doctor suggest an amount of time to wait before having sex?

    Are you taking Adco Emetevir as PEP? While on PEP it is recommended if you are having sex to use a condom. This is because while on PEP you are unaware of your own status.

  4. Tovey

    I had unprotected sex with someone who apparently has yeast. I went to the doctor and they prescribed Adco Emtevir and a rociject shot for sti’s. I’m scared to have sex with my wife, I might ifect her. How long before sex?
    Please help

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dez, I am sorry to hear about this. Have you had support around you to help?

    No. There will be no consequences of stopping PrEP as soon as you started PEP. PrEP and PEP contain similar drugs. The difference is PrEP contains 2 and PEP uses 3. In a lot of cases PrEP is used with another drug to make PEP.

    As you had been on PrEP already, albeit being late sometimes, this will really help reduce this risk and make it minimal. As you were also able to start PEP after this event you have done everything right to prevent transmission.

  6. Dez

    Hello I was sexually assaulted but was taking prep on a daily basis though sometimes not always at the same hour sometimes i would be at least 2-3 hours late anxiety got the best of me and I got PEP meds within 72 hours of the incident,i want to know should i now just continue with pep for the 28 days,will there be any consequences for stopping prep as soon as I got my hands on PEP?


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