Q and A


Will the body produce antibodies with an undetectable viral load?

Hi. My question is will the body produce antibodies to HIV, even if your viral load is undetectable?


Hi, how are you?

When you are undetectable, the body will not be producing antibodies anymore. They will have been produced in the acute phase on the infection. There is no longer a risk to your immune system. However, you will still have antibodies that were made in the acute phase infection.

Antibodies change in response to how long ago the infection was. They remain as a ‘memory’. This is why an immune system can be mounted again quicker the second time. However these more specific, and fine tuned antibodies develop too late in response to HIV. They are unable to elicit an immune response that would eliminate HIV from the body. Antibodies do not leave the body when the infection is over or HIV is undetectable. They remain a marker for being HIV positive which is why even when undetectable people will still test positive on a test.

If you have another question, do send it in.



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