Q and A


Does PEP delay seroconversion?

Hi, I had an exposure in early October.

I took PEP (TDF + FTC + DTG) after 5 hours of the exposure. I did not accompany the doses with meals, I took them alone with water or some drink. Can this interfere or reduce its effectiveness?

Does PEP delay seroconversion in case of failure? At 5 weeks after finishing PEP swollen lymph glands in both armpit.


Hi, how are you doing?

PEP does have the potential to delay seroconversion.

As PEP works similar to medication used to manage HIV, PEP if unsuccessful can delay seroconversion.

This is why testing a minimum of 4 weeks after PEP is required. Seroconversion can occur 1-3 weeks after the course ends. Only 80% of those who do seroconvert in failed PEP will experience classical symptoms e.g., fatigue, fever, headache etc.

Five weeks after finishing PEP would be later than expected if this was really HIV. Swollen lymph nodes can arise from a number of infections, not only HIV. Is this symptom being managed by a doctor?

The combination you have taken can be consumed with or without food. This would not have impacted how well it worked as PEP.

If you have another question do ask,



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sergio, yes this is conclusive. You are HIV negative.

  2. Sergio

    Is a negative HIV result 4 months after taking PEP conclusive?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jarvis, a 4th generation test will be conclusive 6 weeks after finishing PEP. If you are using a rapid/at home test you will need to wait 12 weeks (3 months).

  4. Jarvis

    I did mention the symptoms, and his sentiments was that it’s less likely to be seroconversion,I’ve also done test just after completing my pep dose and the results was -ve.How soon should a test result be conclusive after pep dose?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jarvis, no this does not mean PEP has failed. It is possible that your symptoms are being caused by the side effects of PEP. Have you mentioned these symptoms to your doctor?

  6. Jarvis

    Had an exposure, started pep(tld) within 19hrs.
    I have been taking medication consistently for 14 days,recently exhibited muscle aches ,appetite loss,fatigue and my right lymp node just below my
    ear lobe swell slightly, might it be seroconversion?is it likely the pep has failed

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sid, raltegravir has no requirement to be taken with food. The recommendation for Truvada depends on where you are based. In the US, guidelines suggest that there is no food requirement. Elsewhere (the UK) it is recommended to be taken with food. This is on the basis of a study being interpreted being differently by different people. In the UK the recommendation is based on the interpretation of the study identifying increased levels of Truvada in the body when taken on an empty stomach. This link will explain more: https://i-base.info/qa/4797

  8. Sid

    Does Truvada and raltegravir work okay without food or is it best to take food while taking these? Often I have been taking them without food as it would extremely early for me to have anything to eat in these time schedulees.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Richy, this is conclusive. You are HIV negative. A test 6 weeks after completing PEP is confirmatory of your result.

  10. Richy


    What can you say about a Test done 6WEEKS after a Pep course and it came out NEGATIVE ?


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