Q and A


Does PEP delay seroconversion?

Hi, I had an exposure in early October.

I took PEP (TDF + FTC + DTG) after 5 hours of the exposure. I did not accompany the doses with meals, I took them alone with water or some drink. Can this interfere or reduce its effectiveness?

Does PEP delay seroconversion in case of failure? At 5 weeks after finishing PEP swollen lymph glands in both armpit.


Hi, how are you doing?

PEP does have the potential to delay seroconversion.

As PEP works similar to medication used to manage HIV, PEP if unsuccessful can delay seroconversion.

This is why testing a minimum of 4 weeks after PEP is required. Seroconversion can occur 1-3 weeks after the course ends. Only 80% of those who do seroconvert in failed PEP will experience classical symptoms e.g., fatigue, fever, headache etc.

Five weeks after finishing PEP would be later than expected if this was really HIV. Swollen lymph nodes can arise from a number of infections, not only HIV. Is this symptom being managed by a doctor?

The combination you have taken can be consumed with or without food. This would not have impacted how well it worked as PEP.

If you have another question do ask,



  1. Adnan


    I was done in taking pep in 3weeks ago and testing negative after that.

    Now im waiting for the next test. However, On the 4th week after pep, I have rash in my hand, and i dont have any other symptoms like flu, fever, sore throat, etc.

    Is it a sign that pep fail? Do u think it is better to have immidiate test or just wait for 6th week?

    Thank you

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Richard, please see here for more information about PEP: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  3. Richard

    Soooo… I had this experience. The other person was high. Thc and cbd.. Afterwards they said you should get tested and enjoy what life you have left. Then said was joking. Not something you joke about and maybe it really was the weed, but still. I wore a condom, but the first 30 seconds I didnt. I know that’s minimal exposure but I went and got pep and started 20 hours after exposure. I honestly don’t know what to expect. I don’t know for a fact that person has hiv.. But better safe than sorry.
    How effective is pep exactly?
    How long does hiv live exactly?
    After completing the pep, what exactly are the odds?.
    I read that in general it’s a less than 1% and yes one time can happen, but I’m nervous.

  4. Simon Collins

    Hi Anon, please see this PEP links which talks about symptoms after stopping PEP.

    This explains why your symptoms are not HIV. best wishes :)

  5. Anonymous

    I stopped taking my 28 day course of pep a day ago & been having a bad stomach ache and my body hurts can you experience seroconversion that soon

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jay, a sore throat can be caused by a number of things. What is the name of the PEP you have been taking?

    A 4th generation test is conclusive 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP.

  7. Jay

    I just completed PEP (3 drug, India) owing to sexual exposure to HIV. I’ve been having a throat irritation since the first day of PEP which continues till today (29th day after PEP). I do not have any other symptoms. I’m planning to take a test today (29th day) and 50th day post exposure.
    1. Is sore throat/throat irritation a side effect of PEP?
    2. Will 4th gen test confirm my status at 50th day post exposure?

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Leo, no this is not a sign of PEP failure. These symptoms are common with a number of infections. As you have taken PEP it means that HIV is very unlikely to be the cause of your current symptoms. After 4 weeks you can use a 4th generation test. This test will be 95% accurate. While not conclusive, this test would be highly suggestive of your status and can help alleviate some stress. You would be able to confirm your status 2 weeks later.

  9. Leo


    It has been a month since i used pep right now.i have a sore throat…two days to completion of my dose i had a flue and fever and sweating at night…is that a sign of pep faluer

  10. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nkosi, you have not described a risk of exposure. As you are now 3 months from the last dose of PEP you can test. Unless there have been other potentially risky exposures, there is no reason that this exposure will cause you to be HIV positive.


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