Q and A


Will my CD4 count increase after I give birth?

I have a CD4 count of 286 and I am pregnant. Will my CD4 count reduce after giving birth? I am currently taking PMTCT treatment but I will soon to start ARVs.


Thank you for your question.

During pregnancy it is usual to see a drop in your CD4 count. The amount the CD4 count will drop varies but is usually around 50 cells/mm3. Once you have given birth, your CD4 count should go back up again. However, if your CD4 count drops below 200 you could be vulnerable to opportunistic infections (OIs).

For more information regarding CD4 counts and pregnancy please follow this link.

For general information about ‘HIV, Women’s Health and Pregnancy’ please follow this link


  1. Simon Collins

    The only proven way to increase your CD4 count is to use ARV treatment. Most countries recommend this once your CD4 count is less than 350.

    There are no supplements that can do this. Any advertisement claiming this for a supplement is fake and a fraud.

  2. Peter

    What suppliments or drugs can I use to boost my cd4 counts from 286?


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