Q and A


How low can viral load go?

Hi there, what is the lowest level of viral load?

Can it get lower than less than 20 copies/mL?

If yes, how do you reach that goal?


Hi there

Thanks – these are great questions that I am sure other people think about too.

Getting to less than 20 copies/mL is really impressive. Not only is there so little virus but most of what is detected is also fragments that are not funtional or infectious.

More sensitive tests can measure a little lower. For example down to 5 copies/mL or even 1 copy/mL. These tests are only used by researchers though.

Maybe half of us with viral load less than 20 copies are actually less than 5 copies. But there isn’t any advantage for getting any lower.

There isn’t anything you can do to get viral load to these lower levels – other than just beng good at taking your meds.


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