Q and A


Do Atroiza to Luvigen both do the same thing?

I was on Atroiza for about 3 years. They recently changed me to Luvigen. Does this still have the same effect?


Hi there


Atroiza and Luvigen are two different treatments for HIV. Each of these meds contain three active drugs. They are both generic HIV combinations.

Luvigen is a newer med that contains doulegravir, tenofovir (TD) and lamivudine (3TC).

Atroiza is an older med that contains efavirenz, tenofovir (TD) and emtricitabine (FTC).

Both are good at keeping viral load undetectable but dolutegravir is now seen as a better choice than efavirenz.

Your doctor should have explained the differences before changing your treatment.

Livigen is taken in the morning and most people find this easier to take.

Atroiza is taken before bedtime and many people find it can given them vivid dreams or can change their mood in the day.

This page has information on every HIV drug.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zoe, how often are you being switched between Atroiza and Luvigen?

    These two medications contain different drugs and work slightly different. In an emergency it would be okay to switch temporarily but it is not something you should be doing often. As the medications work slightly differently, they have different side effects which can be managed with taking them at different times of the day/avoiding certain foods.

    As you are taking your treatment at night how are you finding your sleep? and do you know what your current viral load is?

    Even though you are switching, your viral load will remain suppressed by medication. The larger problem is the difference in side effects and how it impacts on your quality of life. Have they said anything when you try to ask questions?

  2. Zoe

    Hi i have a problem on the clinic i collect my med they always give different med im using astrozia but sometime they just give luvigen and i am taking them at night cz i can’t keep changing time on pill does this will affect me in future? Cz they don’t say anything if u ask questions they get angry

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sizakele, have you discussed with your boyfriend why he is taking this medication?

    Being on treatment would prevent any risk of transmission. Treatment suppresses HIV and works to prevent HIV being passed on. This is called U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    More information about transmission can be found here: https://i-base.info/guides/testing

  4. Sizakele

    Hia I just found out that my bf is taking luvegen an he has not tell me we have been sleeping without protection will I be affect ?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lindie, is your partner HIV positive? and they are not taking treatment? What is the name of the medication they are taking?

    Are you on any medication yourself to prevent HIV transmission?

    If your partner is on treatment with a viral load below 200 there is no risk of transmission. This is called U=U. It means that treatment is suppressing HIV so much that it is impossible to pass on HIV via sex.

    U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    If your partner is not taking their treatment, HIV transmission is still not guaranteed. HIV transmission is multifactorial and can be affected by the type fo sex, other infections, duration of sex, genetics and even some degree of luck.

    More information about transmission can be found here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  6. Lindie

    Hi I want to know if u are sleeping with ur partner and taking pills what happened to me if I dnt drink those pills and to be affected take how many month my man drink pills for HIV and telling lies said is Pep pills but I found out last year when I was Google am drinking only high blood pressure pills and he still telling me lies please help ‍♀️

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tebogo, Luvigen is not PrEP. Luvigen is a generic version of TLD which is used to prevent HIV AFTER an exposure or to treat HIV.

    PrEP is usually called Truvada and more information can be found here: https://i-base.info/guides/prep

  8. Tebogo

    Good evening. Is Luvigen right pills for PrEP?


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