Q and A


Which treatment can I take after monotherapy for hepatitis B?

I am on lamivudine (3TC) alone for the treatment of hepatitis B and have been for a period of 20 months and the viral load is now negative. I am now about to start treating HIV Can I start with atripla? If the answer is no, then which therapy should I take? Thank you.


Thank you for your question.

Please follow this link to a previous question which is very similar and outlines in detail what you should start with and why. This question asks about starting treating HIV with Truvada and efavirenz. Atripla is a combination of Truvada and efavirenz and so the answer given in the previous question is also relevant to your situation.

Another similar question which outlines what alternative medications can be used to treat HIV following monotherapy with lamivudine for hepatitis B can be found by following this link


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