
I took my night pill in the morning by mistake, should I take it again at night?

I took my night pill in the morning by mistake, should I take it again at night?


Hi, how are you?

No you do not need to take it again at night.

Continue taking your medication at your regular time the following day.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi H, no this is not dangerous. Had you taken the morning dose? and what time do you normally take Paxlovid?

  2. H

    I took my night dose at 3 pm in the afternoon by mistake is this dangerous?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Leslie, the morning and evening doses are the same. They are only labelled morning and evening to kelp you remember when to take them.

    It is okay to take them for the time they are not labelled e.g., the morning dose in the evening.

    Take the next dose as the missed evening dose and then continue taking treatment at the labelled time to help avoid further mix-ups.

  4. Leslie

    I just started my first dose at 11 pm tonight but took the morning pills in error rather the night ones. Which ones should I take tomorrow morning? Is the medication identical in the gold and blue sides of the blister pack?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Richard, yes you can do this.

    As mentioned, you can then continue your course of Paxlovid at 8am and 8pm for the duration.

  6. Richard

    I took my first paxlovid at 3pm instead of in the evening. I expect to asleep before 3 am
    Can I start over with the morning dose at 8 am and then take my evening about 8 pm?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Julie, both the morning and evening doses are the same. It does not matter which you take when.

    As long as you are taking a dose in the morning and a dose in the evening, regardless of label, Paxlovid will be taken effectively.

  8. Julie

    I took my morning does again at bedtime by mistake how should aI continue taking. Evening in morning and morning in evening or what?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Charmaine, when is your next dose? If your next dose of BP medication is later on in the day/at least 6 hours away, you can take the missed dose now. If the next dose is sooner, it is okay to miss this dose and then continue as normal.

  10. Charmaine

    I mistakenly took my smaller blood pressure tablet dose by mistake this morning it’s a 2.5 ml dose but the one I should have taken is 10 ml. Can I take it now or wait to later.


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