
Is my baby at risk if my boyfriend is not on meds?

Good day, my name is Lovely. My question today is I’m HIV+ and I’m pregnant and I’m on meds. I just started them a month ago and I’m 9 weeks pregnant. Me and my boyfriend sometimes have unprotected sex, will this effect my baby because the father is not on meds
I will be grateful if you answer my question.


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on being pregnant. It is great to hear that you have started treatment.

Can I just check that your boyfriend is HIV positive?

If he is, him not being on treatment is not likely to risk the health of your baby.

This is because your own medication will act as PrEP and prevent any further transmission of HIV.

Does he ever take medication or has he in the past? and is there a reason he is not taking medication?
