Q and A


Should I be worried about a small increase in viral load?

Hello. I have been on Biktarvy for 10 weeks since diagnosis and my viral load was down to 41 three weeks ago. Today the results came at 52 copies. Should I be worried about this slight increase, especially when every test has come back with a lower viral count than the previous one? We have also done the genome test and It showed only resistance to one medication (not one that I am taking) thank you in advance. Oh and I have missed zero dosages of the treatment.


Hello, how are you?

No. You do not need to be worried.

Small increases in viral load like these are very common and quite normal. Your viral load is very well suppressed and it is great it is this low since starting Biktarvy.

Small increases happen for a number of reasons. It can be normal to happen randomly, caused by another infection, or recently having a vaccine. It can commonly be caused by a lab error.

In your case, given how small the increase is it is likely just a random event. Your viral load is still suppressed to what is still considered ‘undetectable’.



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