Q and A


Can I work out while taking PEP?

Hello, I am on PEP and this is my 10th day and I go to gym, I don’t use supplements but I do intense workouts for muscle gain, does this affect the effectiveness of PeP?
Also can I masturbate while on Pep? Because at the moment I am afraid of getting intimate with ladies.
Thank you.


Hi, how are you?

Yes you can do both of these things. Intensely working out will not change how effective PEP is. This is also true for masturbation.



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Eric


    Please see this factsheet on PEP that answers all your Qs:

    PEP needs to be started within three days (72 hours) but the risk of HIV is still very low from just one time.

  2. Eric

    Can pep work if i start it after 4days

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Emmanuel, yes you can play football while on ART. ART should not impact you doing regular activity.

  4. Emmanuel

    If you are on ART, is it okay to play regular football?


    Thank you for this advise, I worried that if I work out alot it may affect PEP efficacy.
    Then also masturbation, because I don’t want to angage in any sexual relationship during my PEP regimen.


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