
Can I work in Malaysia?

Can HIV positive migrants obtain a working visa in Malaysia? If it is not , what are the possibilities I can follow?


Hi, how are you?

This depends on the type of work you are applying for. There are provisions that state if the job you are applying for is domestic/low-skilled, your application will be denied on the basis of an HIV positive status.

Entry is also denied to those who refuse a medical exam. These include an HIV test and are required within one month depending on your residency. These are then required yearly thereafter.

I-base has not further information and more can be found here. You can also use this website to search country by regulation. In the UK there are no regulations for people living with HIV.



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Ahmad, i-Base in the UK and is about HIV-related health. Perhaps contact an HIV organisation in Malaysia for info there. In the UK HIV status would not be a problem.

  2. Ahmad

    Can plhiv works as radiographer in malaysia?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ian, unfortunately visa applications to Malaysia require HIV testing. A positive result will lead to rejection of application and/or deportation.

    More information about HIV regulations can be found here:

  4. Ian

    Hello. Will I be able to work for Malaysia’s BPO company as Business Analyst and be provided with Visa eventhough I have HIV?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thuli, i-base has no further information than what is mentioned in the main answer to this stem.

    As a diplomat would be considered skilled work it would be unlikely that you application would be denied on this basis. For further clarficaiton it would be advised to contact your local Malaysian embassy.

  6. Thuli Mamba

    Can an HIV positive diplomats allowed to work in Malaysia

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Reyjohn, please see the answer to the main question.

  8. Reyjohn

    Can I work in Malaysia as a foreign teacher if I have hiv? Thanks!

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dan, this will depend on your position at the factory. People with HIV applying for low-level/entry positions will have their visa/application denied after testing. If you have a more senior role, the regulation is less specific and it is more likely that you will be successful.

  10. Dan

    Can I work in Malaysia even I’m HIV undetectable because I applied as factory worker in Malaysia


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