
Are there interactions between ivermectin and Atripla?

Is it advisable to take ivermectin while on Atripla? Are there any known or possibly dangerous interactions?


Hi, how are you doing?

Before answering about the interaction, I wanted to check first that you are not using ivermectin to treat COVID-19. This is because many studies has proven it has no effect against COVID-19 and can cause serious side effect.

If your doctor has prescribed ivermectin for a a rare parasite infection, then a single dose dose not need to be changed even though there is a potential weak interaction between efavirenz found in Atripla and Ivermectin.

Efavirenz can potentially reduce how much Ivermectin is reduced. However, as Ivermectin is only given as a single dose this interaction is not likely.

To avoid any potential interaction it would be advised to take them at different ends of the day. E.g., Ivermectin in the morning and Atripla in the evening.



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