Q and A


Can I give baby muthi wenyoni?

Hi, I am HIV positive, my son is 6 weeks old and he tested HIV negative at birth. He is also on nevirapine. I was given co-trimaxazole at my 6 weeks visit at the clinic. Can I start giving him muthi wenyoni and gripe water? Also I wanna stop breast feeding and start giving him co-trimaxazole is it safe to do so?


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on having a baby. As baby is older than 1 month it is safe to give them muthi wenyoni and gripe water.

Yes you can stop breastfeeding. Will you be starting to formula feed instead. It is okay to give baby co-trimoxazole regardless of how they are being fed.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mbali, congratulations on having a baby. Are you exclusively formula feeding? and is baby taking any other medication?

    It is safe to give baby medications when young as this is not considered mixed feeding, however before a month of age giving baby muthi wenyoni and gripe water is a little young. How did baby respond to you giving them medication?

    You can read more about how to deal with constipation here: https://www.nhs.uk/start-for-life/baby/feeding-your-baby/bottle-feeding/bottle-feeding-challenges/constipation-and-bottle-feeding/

  2. Mbali

    Hey, I’m hiv positive and my baby is hiv negative we are 3weeks old and experiencing constipation problems since I started him on formula I gave him half a teaspoon of muthi wenyoni and been giving him half teaspoon of gripe water in warm water …. is it okay for the baby ?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lwaa3398, congratulations on having a baby. It is great to hear that baby has tested negative and that you are doing well.

    How long has baby been on formula feed? Switching from breast to formula feed can take a few days/weeks for baby to adjust. Constipation is normal over this time. Baby needs time to adjust to the different type of feed and as long as they are still feeding well you do not need to five them muthi wenyoni. At only a couple of weeks old they are still a little young to be using this. If baby is still constipated at 1 month old and you are not worried about their health, you can then give muthi wenyoni.

    Please see here for more information about changing feeds: https://www.nhs.uk/start-for-life/baby/feeding-your-baby/bottle-feeding/bottle-feeding-challenges/constipation-and-bottle-feeding/

  4. Lwaa3398

    Hi I’m HIV positive but my son tested negative, he is 2 weeks old. I have stopped breastfeeding him, he is now on formula which is causing him constipation. Can I give him “muthi wenyoni” since Phipps is not helping??

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gcinile, as mentioned in the main answer, you can give baby muthi wenyoni as long as baby is more than 1 month old.

    How baby is being fed will not change if you can give them this or not.

    If baby is a month or older and you are breastfeeding you can give muthi wenyoni.

  6. Gcinile Sibisi

    Hi I’m breastfeeding can I give my baby umuthi wenyoni

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nelly, yes you can give baby Muthi Wenyoni. Baby is older than one month and it will not interact with Novatrim.

  8. Nelly

    Hi,I’m HIV positive and my baby was tested at birth his HIV negative to be retested at 10 weeks his off nevirapine and put on novatrim.Baby is 7 weeks old can I give him muthi wenyoni?I’m planning on breastfeeding for 6 months


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