Q and A


New back pain after starting PEP…

I started taking PEP a few days ago. I started having lower back aches out of no where is that normal for taking PEP?


Hi, how are you doing?

Do you know the name of the PEP you are taking?

PEP does not cause back pain. Have you noticed anything else that could have caused this? Have you been straining your back recently? or do you have any other symptoms you have noticed?

If this continues you should speak with your doctor. It is important to address back pain.



  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Fiona and thanks for getting in touch.

    I am very sorry to hear you have been having such a difficult time.

    How are you managing Fiona? Do you have any help?

    What you are describing might or might not be related to your medication.

    Have you told your doctor?
    They need to know to understand this is a very difficult time for you.

    It will help to provide them with information about when it started, how long has this been going on.
    Also, is it getting any better, or is it the same no matter what you try.
    Is there something helping with the pain?

    Your doctor needs to document these in your notes so they can monitor better what effect these symptoms have on you and to find ways to help you.

    Let us know how you are doing.

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us at questions@i-base.org.uk if you want to continue this discussion privately.

  2. Fiona

    Hi dear, I am Fiona.
    I am experiencing the same problem of a lower back pain, on the right hip and I have knots that are so painful in my back.
    I am using Ranega, taking it at 6 o clock in the morning

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi I.D, when did you first notice the sciatica? and are you on Tivicay or Triumeq?

    Neither of these medications are known to cause sciatica. What time of the day do you take your meds? and when is the sciatica worst?

    Sciatica is very common with a number of causes. Have you been to speak with your doctor about other possible causes and how to treat it?

  4. I.D

    Hi.I.m also experiemcing sciatica like problems and pain iny lower back and hip.I.m on Triumeq so i ve noticed in the afternoon the pain passes but after i take the pills comes back stronger.Think itay be Tivocay related?Im on it for 6 yrs.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nthatie, please speak to your doctor about the back pain you are experiencing. PEP does not cause back pain which means there will be another reason for why you are experiencing this.

    As mentioned, back pain can be stress related. Saying that the pain came on after a run could suggest that it is a musculoskeletal problem. Either way this can be addressed by your doctor.

  6. Nthatie

    I have also been experiencing the sudden lower back pain. I’m also on PEP medication and left with 7 days before completing the 30 day course. First I thought it was a physiological response to stress as the pain occured during my work presentation. but then it occurred after I took a run yesterday. I’m a worried.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Linda, what is the name of the PEP you are taking? and when did the symptoms start after starting treatment?

  8. Linda

    I had the same problem too when starting pep medication ,back pain, chest pain ,but once I stop eating the drug the pain stops. Maybe it a new side effect I’m not sure, this happened again the second time I take pep medication

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Al, since you have stopped Tivicay has the pain changed/disappeared at all? Sciatica is a very common problem for people. This link provides information about sciatica: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/sciatica/

    Long term complications from PEP are very rare. This is because the course is only for a limited time, usually 28 days. Drugs used in PEP are the same as those that actively treat HIV. For this reason there is awareness about long term complications of remaining on these medications for a long time but 30 days is not a significant amount of time for these symptoms to occur.

  10. Al

    I had similar problem I was on truvada and Tivicay 28 days. I noticed that after that I started getting a bad lower back pain. It turned out to be my sciatic nerve maybe caused by inflammation don’t know if tivicay, or trucada can cause this. But it seems like it does. My ankle also started hurting suddenly recently. More people need to come out with the long term effects of using pep are to se if it’s really coincidence or does it really cause problems after finishing the regimen!


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