Q and A


Is my CD4 going up at a normal rate?

I tested in October and my CD4 count was 99. I started ART immediately. Went for tests in February my CD4 went to 151. Is it going up normal or is it slow?
How long can it take to reach 350? I’m taking my medication everyday and vitamin supplements.


Hi, how are you doing?

Yes. This is a normal rate for CD4 recovery.

Unlike viral load which can become suppressed quickly, recovery of CD4 takes time.

The lower the CD4 count to begin with, the longer the recovery can be. Going up from 99 to 151 in 5 months is really encouraging and shows that your immune system is improving.

A full recovery of CD4 count can take time, often a few years after starting treatment. Are you on co-trimoxazole? This is an antibiotic often used to prevent other infections while your immune system recovers and you are still vulnrable to other infections.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jasmina, thank you for sharing your story. Hearing how well treatment works can be very encouraging for people to hear about.

  2. Jasmina

    Hi. Dont worry. When I was diagnosed in 2013 my Cd4 was 74 and it went up veryyy slowly. Until 2015 it was below 350 but I was undetectable. Now from 5 years my cd4 is around 590-690. It goes up and down if we have flu for example.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Prudence, it is good that you are on co-trimoxazole. This will help protect you from other other infections while your immune system recovers.

  4. Prudence

    Yes Josh i am on co-trimoxazole


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